Now is the time for you to write & publish a book

based on your own story.

Study at your own pace

Plan based on your learning style


Follow a proven roadmap

You've signed up for writing classes before. 

Filling your computer, or notebook, with half-formed essays and notes for a dream book that has yet to be written. You’re not sure know how to go about structuring, or writing, work that will one day land on bookshelves—a book that will grasp the hand of a reader who needs to hear your words.

Not only for the thrill of seeing your words in print—but for what sharing your story and having your voice heard would mean to you.

You're one of the many brave writers living with limitations, who wants to write in spite of your circumstances.

But because your limitations won't be magically removed from your life—and you can't just luxuriate before the keyboard and create to your life’s content—forever free of symptoms, inconveniences, and mean commenters on the internet...

No more signing up for writing workshops here and there, more often than not never going over the recordings and notes once you’ve done it.

No more collecting books and resources on writing—so that your understand of writing and the publishing industry is hodge-podge and willy-nilly (much like the dish-ware selection at your local thrift store).

Ready for your life to change?

Why? Because you care a lot about your writing—both practicing the craft and learning how to get better at it. With a dream of publishing terrific personal nonfiction in your own Substack, in top-tier journals and magazines, and/or in the form of bestselling books, you've diligently taken classes from well-known writers through well-respected literary organizations. 

But... the way you've been going about it feels, well, weird. Even confusing.

No more signing up for writing workshops here and there, more often than not never going over the recordings and notes once you’ve done it.

No more collecting books and resources on writing—so that your understand of writing and the publishing industry is hodge-podge and willy-nilly (much like the dish-ware selection at your local thrift store).

No more sitting in front of your computer, frozen and not knowing what to write, even though you desperately have a story that you want to tell.

Ready for your life to change?

What if I told you that the problem is none of it fits together?

When you take a lot of different classes from a lot of different sources, you're not getting a comprehensive view of the writing process, from pre-writing to writing to publication. Instead of starting first with a holistic view and then taking one-off classes with writers you admire, what you're doing is grabbing classes here and there, which leaves you more confused and lost than you were before... and further away from what it is that you want to write.

"Wanted to share I finally signed a publishing contract for my first creative nonfiction that deals with sexual trauma, hysteria & liminality! After struggling to find a publisher, there were three publishers offering me a contract. Thank you so much for your brilliant workshops!"

— Susannah H.

there is another way.

So. You've been writing.

(… and writing… and writing…)

Filling your computer, or notebook, with half-formed essays and notes for a dream book that has yet to be written. You’re not sure know how to go about structuring, or writing, work that will one day land on bookshelves—a book that will grasp the hand of a reader who needs to hear your words.

But what you're doing isn't working.

You're one of the many brave writers living with limitations, who wants to write in spite of your circumstances.

But because your limitations won't be magically removed from your life, so that you can luxuriate before the typewriter and create to your life’s content—forever free of symptoms, inconveniences, and mean commenters on the internet...

No more signing up for writing workshops here and there, more often than not never going over the recordings and notes once you’ve done it.

No more collecting books and resources on writing—so that your understand of writing and the publishing industry is hodge-podge and willy-nilly (much like the dish-ware selection at your local thrift store).


you'll be doing things differently.

As a student in the Academy,

Not only for the thrill of seeing your words in print—but for what sharing your story and having your voice heard would mean to you.

Here's what needs to change.

Hey there!

I'm Esmé, your new ally in the writing world.

I’m a writer and teacher—the author of the award-winning, New York Times-bestselling essay collection The Collected Schizophrenias (2019), as well as the novel The Border of Paradise (2016), which was named one of NPR’s Best Books of 2016 and one of Electric Literature’s Top 25 Novels of 2016; I was selected by Granta for their once-a-decade Best of Young American Novelists list of 21 authors under 40. A former MFA Visiting Professor at San Jose State University and a current Contributing Editor for Poets & Writers Magazine, I’ve also made appearances on the Today Show, NPR’s Weekend Edition, KCRW, the New York Times, the CBC, Flavorwire, and the New Yorker Online.

In 2014, I had a big-shot literary agent who had brokered seven-figure deals. And I approached her, over and over again, with an idea for a book that I knew I wanted to write—an essay collection about the schizophrenias.

But she wasn't interested in the idea, and she told me that they wouldn't help me shop it to publishers.

Inexperienced and unprepared, I didn't know what to do next. (This book ended up becoming the award-winning, New York Times-bestselling book, The Collected Schizophrenias.)

I've created the writing school that I needed at the time—a place for both community and curriculum that provides resources to marginalized writers.

Because I realized that back then, when my later-to-be New York Times-bestselling book was my pet project... what I needed was support.

Support in writing and developing the book.

Support in learning about navigating the industry. And support from other writers—writers like me—who could cheer me on.

I've been there.

See, I can help because 

The Unexpected Shape
Writing Academy

A full-service, open enrollment, online writing school. Recorded classes, full of generosity and spirit. A community to support you in both social gathering and co-working sessions.. Individualized accountability, just for you. Group coaching calls. 

We care about being knowledgeable, generous, and aesthetically pleasing (because hey—beauty does add to the experience).

What the Academy Has for You


A full curriculum of video lessons that take you from pre-writing to writing to publication, plus a library of guest lectures from today's most acclaimed nonfiction and memoir writers.


A community of other writers living with limitations (chronic illness, disability, caretaking responsibilities, etc.) that you can access in our online forum, live in Coffee/Tea Dates for live gatherings, and weekly Co-Working Sessions for body doubling and writing together.


Group coaching calls during which you can ask me questions (and submit questions beforehand), including special session where I review students' work.


Themed adventures, such as the Ten-Page Trailblaze, that bring gentle encouragement.


Personalized accountability, should you want it, for you to set your goals and check in with our generous Academy staff.


The Curriculum

 Module 1:

  • Is this okay to write about?: ethics & personal nonfiction. We look at the subject of the ethical questions we need to consider when working on personal nonfiction.

    We’ll look at the questions to consider and ask yourself before and during personal nonfiction and memoir-writing.

    Rather than making recommendations, we provide exercises designed to help you figure out your own answers, including 10 questions to ask yourself before writing personal nonfiction and/or memoir.

Module 2:

  • Journal-keeping for memoirists. We walk through the process of journal-keeping for both your current book idea and the ideas to come. You'll excavate memories in. your journal, using concrete exercises and prompts. To get to the details you need for the project you have in mind—no more wandering in the foggy lands of I don't remember how exactly that went—as well as recording the events of your life for future personal nonfiction and memoir projects. You'll inspire topics for writing that you didn't know your life contained. 

 Module 3:

  • Indexing as creative discovery: using index cards to develop ideas, organize your thoughts, and keep track of research. We will dive into the practicalities of writing a book and the system I personally use to create the bones of any story (including The Collected Schizophrenias).

    We’ll take a practical look at how to use index cards to brainstorm, write, and revise creative nonfiction. When used as writing tools, index cards can not only retain facts and ideas, but can also keep track of important bibliographic and structural information for an essay or book.

    Once collected, cards can then be spread out to visualize the shape of a written project, see what is missing, and envision what needs to be added.

    I've previously taught this technique at the Northwestern MFA nonfiction program, as well as in the Lighthouse Writers Workshop and the Tin House Writers Workshop.

Module 4:

  • Structure & perspective: how do we tell the story? You know what you want to write about. The question is: what kind of structure will your narrative take?

    Metaphorically speaking, are you building a castle, or a tiny house? Will your essay/chapter/book take the form of a braid, a single thread, or a complex tapestry?

    We'll look at the structures and perspectives of different published essays, and discuss how to find the structure and perspective that fits what you want to write.


Module 5:

  • Writing personal nonfiction about what hurts. We will take a look at writing about painful subjects. Questions that we will address include, How do we prepare to write about trauma while doing minimal harm to ourselves? How do we know whether it's really time to write about something painful? What about the other people that are involved in the things that we want to write about? And how do we keep ourselves from making our nonfiction into a self-absorbed journal entry, as opposed to literature? 

Module 6:

  • Accessing & writing emotions. Here I address three major areas: accessing emotions before writing, accessing emotions and employing self-care during and after writing, and getting emotions onto the page via style, language, and content. 

Module 7:

  • Pitching & querying. Writing is one thing; publishing is another. How do you get published in a magazine or newspaper? What does a "pitch" look like? And how do you find an agent? What does an agent do, and how do you know when you need one? We'll look at successful pitches, talk about the structure of a query, and discuss the ins and outs of agents, publication, and everything in between.



Module 8:

  • What the Heck Is A Book Proposal (& How Does It Work?). We will take a practical look at how to create a nonfiction book proposal that sells. I'm a former book proposal coach who specialized in helping those new to the publishing world create and sell their nonfiction books. Along the way, I learned the ins and outs of writing nonfiction book proposals—and I want to share that information with you. I'll walk you through a book proposal and answer questions about traditional publishing, intended for those who are inexperienced with the book proposal process.  
Building a Writing Habit While Living with Limitations

  • Are you wishing you could have a regular writing habit, but struggle with the unknowable factors of disability, illness, or caretaking responsibilities? With this workshop, you're going to get access to a warm, enthusiastic class full of exercises and concrete tips—no abstractions, & no wishy-washy ideas. You'll learn what a writing habit for. you can look like that's inclusive of your limitations, with none of this "overcoming" stuff, and you'll feel excited to move forward with your writing career in a way that feed good and points you to success.

Your Best Nonfiction Topic

  • Spend an hour and a half with me as I walk you through the process of figuring your best nonfiction topic, paving the way for the book that you, & only you, are made to write. Youo're going to gain concrete clarity, instead of the cloudy & general ideas you've. been playing with. You'll figure out both enough information for a quick elevator pitch as well as the beginnings of a book. You'll feel excited and invigorated to begin work, knowing that you have the elements of the best nonfiction topic that you can write on, right now. 

Academy 101 (Foundations)

One-Day Writing Kickstart

  • It's been a long time since you last wrote something... an essay, a chapter of your memoir— anything that felt like it was for you. You're not alone. And I can help you do something about it in a single one-day class. (Really.)


Our library of guest speakers includes...

  • Eula Biss
  • Leslie Jamison
  • Suleika Jaouad
  • Stephanie Foo
  • Yahdon Israel
  • Hanif Abdurraqib
  • Soleil Ho
  • Vauhini Vara
  • T Kira Madden
  • Melissa Febos

...and more.

The Academy in your favorite podcast app.


You can listen to all of the Writing Academy's lessons and guest lectures through our private podcast, which works just like a regular ol' podcast, but is only available to Academy members like you.

You want to learn.
You want to write.
But an online video course—you just don't have the time, or capacity.
You need learning to go.


“It's about my experience with heart arrhythmias, and I don't think I'd have had the guts (or coping mechanisms) necessary for writing it without The Unexpected Shape.

"Being a member of that community and hearing from speakers like Carmen Maria Machado and Suleika Jaouad taught me so much about sharing the painful, challenging moments of my own life—as did the courses you taught, Esmé, and your own book. I'm hoping to use this essay as the launch pad for a book on chronic illness, similar to The Collected Schizophrenias.

Again, thank you so much for creating a space to talk about our limitations, learn to live with them, and write alongside them. It's really hard being in a disabled/chronically ill body, but having other people who understand makes all the difference.”


“I finally found the courage to pursue my dream of opening my own homewares boutique all thanks to Kate.”

Melanie chased her dream:

“Thanks to the skills I gained in the Academy, I now have my first book coming out! "

"The Academy was a game-changer. I gained so much insight into the craft of writing—the index card and research classes have been essential—that I have now applied to three different manuscripts. ... I have also been published in several dream outlets and refined my practice into something that works with instead of against my limitations."


“I’m so glad you have created a space that will foster writers to write and publish diverse and interesting stories."

"I’ve been moved and delighted by the diverse group of guest speakers and fellow students. So many of the writing workshops and conferences I’ve attended in the past have been very much from a white person’s perspective, whether that was intended or not.“

— VM

Start today,
and make the next year count.

let's get started!



"If you don’t believe you’re a writer at the start of this course, you will by the end of it."

"When I think about The Unexpected Shape Academy the word that comes to mind is generosity. Esme and Chloe are incredibly generous with their time, their care, and the effort they put into both the syllabus and making everyone feel welcome and included.

As a non-professional writer attempting the daunting task of creating a non-fiction narrative about climate change, I couldn’t have hoped for a better introduction. This course provides useful insight on both the art and the practice of writing and, thanks to the fantastic guest speakers and panellists, gives an insider’s glimpse into the world of pitching and publishing. If you don’t believe you’re a writer at the start of this course, you will by the end of it.

I can’t recommend this course highly enough–thank you for a wonderful experience!"

From writing  to writer.
The transformation is real.

“I have talked to so many people about the Academy recently and one of my favourite things about this group is how trauma-informed it is, and how everyone has difficulties going on and nobody treats it like a bad thing."

"It is the most human I have ever felt in community."

Know what it takes to be a real writer?

Trick question! You're already a real writer. That's not your roadblock. What's in your way is that you need help getting from idea to book — getting to that next level. And you just want someone to tell you what works.

I've been where you are—wanting to tell stories and not knowing what to do with them. You still have so many questions:
  • How can I research more effectively?
  • Is this my story to tell?
  • How do I create the structure of my essay or book?
  • If I write about something traumatizing, how do I protect my own mental health?
  • How do I get published, and where?
  • How do people find literary agents, and do I need one?

I've been where you are, and I've got answers for you.

But it wasn't always this way. 

I started out as a little girl who had an interest in writing—but as the years passed, I realized that I didn't see many writers who looked like me: Taiwanese American, queer and disabled, and had a similar life history. Publishing seemed so out of reach, and I didn't know how to enter the literary world beyond what I could glean from old editions of my local library's Writer's Market. (For a time, I even took on a generic-sounding pseudonym to look like a white writer on the page, because I thought I couldn't get published any other way.)

Now I'm a bestselling author who's appeared a clue in the New York Times crossword puzzle and has won awards, gone on international tours, and met readers who've been impacted by my work. And I've taken all of the lessons that I've developed over the years, based on what I've learned about pre-writing, writing, and publishing—specifically for the ambitious unheard and those living with limitations.

This online writing school is the only one of its kind.

It teaches the framework for moving your personal nonfiction from pre-writing to publication, while being designed for writers living with chronic illness, disability, or other limitations.

I once invested a large sum to attend a reportedly high-caliber business conference. Once there, I realized that my physical limitations meant that the schedule—a jam-packed, day-long experience—was not created for someone like me. I couldn't lie down. I couldn't say, "Time out. Let me rest and come back later."

But what I did realize was that if ever created a way for marginalized students to learn about personal nonfiction, I would try to make it accessible with live transcriptions and recordings so that students don't have to be in a certain place at a certain time.


You're about to have everything

 you need to become the writer you hope to be.

The Academy offers you a tested toolkit to start building your ideal writing life. Our extensive course material, guest lectures, and author community, plus your own dedication and sweat equity, will get you moving confidently toward your vision for yourself.

This is for you if you:





don't have time to take action on the lessons and make them work for you

It's probably not for you if you:

aren't ready TO go all-in to take your writing to the next level

Work With Us • Work with Us •









11 modules OF CURRICULUM



*Open enrollment.
*All sales are final (no refunds).
*No minimum commitment. Cancel anytime.


Pay over interest-free installments with Wizebank.

Pay over interest-free installments with Wizebank.

Here's what you get:





Frequently Asked Questions

I understand that investing in something like this can feel scary. Part of my big mission with the Academy is to make education, tools and resources around writing memoir and personal nonfiction more accessible. Unlike writing workshops that focus on one piece of the puzzle at a time (meaning you’re still always left searching for the next steps), the Academy has been designed to cover three different foundational aspects of writing memoir and personal nonfiction so you can truly get started on your book-writing journey.

Any investment comes with fear and risk—the question you have to ask yourself is, “Will this investment get me closer to where I want to be?” If the answer is yes, then I can’t wait to see you inside the Academy.

First things first: Please realize that these kinds of concerns are completely normal. These are the same worries that people writing memoir have had since writing memoir first became a thing. This is why, in each workshop, we talk about these issues (especially in the Ethics in Personal Nonfiction workshop). Plus, in our community, you can share your concerns, ask your questions and get support from people dealing with the exact same worries and fears as you. That’s one of the biggest benefits of the Academy—you’re not only getting access to the workshops, you’re getting access to a community. People you can lean on, share things with, celebrate with. People who get what you’re going through.

The Unexpected Shape Writing Academy is designed for and created by chronically ill/disabled people. This means that we've tried to build in flexibility whenever possible. Everything included in the can be watched or listened to via recording—even the guest lecturers—to allow for doing things from bed, at any time of the day. If you wish to take one or two classes per month, the Writing Intensive will take you three or four hours per month (plus however much time you wish to spend in the community and on your writing). 

Absolutely. Because the program is structured with Pre-Writing, Writing, and Publishing in mind, it’s actually wonderful to come to the Academy with a blank slate. As long as you’re enthusiastic about writing and want to learn, you’ll be a-okay.

Good question! The Academy is a solid curriculum for people interested in writing personal nonfiction, especially if you're looking for a self-paced program that works with your limitation, not against. Within the Academy, you'll be learning the most important lessons I took away from my time in an MFA program, and everything I thought was missing from it. Though I cannot tell you if this is going to be the perfect fit for you, I can say that if you're here, looking for more support as a nonfiction writer, then you already have your answer.

The monthly charge is for as long or as short as you would like it to be, since the Academy is essentially a membership. Theoretically, should you decide that you want to cram in all 12+ guest lectures and all of the eleven curriculum modules in one month, and then leave the membership before the next month kicks in, that’s totally possible (at least, I assume it is). From a more realistic perspective, however, I generally suggest that members stick around for at least six months so that you can give yourself enough time to fully engage with the material. It’s really up to you.

If you’re interested in writing articles and essays, the Academy is perfect for you. There’s a class specifically about writing a book (the book proposal class), but there’s no reason to assume that you have to write one. The sales page does talk about writing books. That’s mostly because so many of our students are interested in writing books as their end product—but again, not all of them are writing books, and many are interested in writing essays and articles alone.

Still on the fence?

Do you have a question about the Academy that isn't addressed here? Email Esmé at You can also DM Esmé on Instagram @esmewwang.

We have offered scholarships in the past and would like to offer more scholarships in the future. Please visit our Scholarships page if you'd like to donate any amount, large or small, toward scholarships for students in need.