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Don't have an MFA (Masters of Fine Arts)? Even if you have been writing, the feeling of not having an MFA to put on your CV might feel... icky. And I can help you do something about that in a free 10-day series of classes. (Really.) If you're interested in writing personal nonfiction, sign up for the FREE Academy Bulletin newsletter, full of informative gold about writing & the writer's life, and receive the 10-Day MFA.
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The Academy Bulletin is a newsletter for ambitious writers, often those living with limitations such as disability, chronic illness, and/or caregiving responsibilities.
By subscribing to the Academy Bulletin, you'll receive information about personal nonfiction and memoir writing, including tips, guides, and surprise downloadables to support you on your writing journey. We'll also share with you special resources that we believe will do the same.
When you sign up for the Academy Bulletin, you'll be given access to a video class called the One-Day Writing Kickstart, designed to get your writing going if you need to start or are stuck where you are.