Prep & Teach Your Unique Online Workshop (Without the Stress)


You'd like to share your unique skillset and knowledge with an audience of students, plus earn a nice profit to boost your income. But the idea of teaching a workshop—the prep, the tech, and the admin—feels overwhelming... which is why you haven't done it yet. 

i'm going to give you what you need, from prep to the day of teaching

Includes a list of all the tools you'll need to sign up for (Which level of zoom do you have to sign up for? how will you remind your students to sign in on the day of class?) and hot tips on how to best promote your class (even if. you don't use social media!)

you'll be able to focus on the magic between you & your students, without stressing over the details (I'll give you everything you need)

ready to level up your THING?

all the details

If you need a guide to help teach you, step-by-step, how to run a workshop, this class is for you.

Over the past ten years, I've taught almost one hundred online workshops, using different processes for gathering the content, setting up the tech, promotion, and teaching on the day of class. Some of those classes earned five figures for a single workshop. In this new class from The Unexpected Shape™, I'll lead you step-by-step through the process of leading and creating a one-time online workshop, giving you all the details of how to do it without losing your mind with stress. After the workshop, we'll also have a forum where you can cheer on and support other students, while receiving cheer and support in return.

Just something to think about: If you charge $97 for your workshop and sell 200 spots, that's $20k for teaching one workshop

get to teach a class without fretting over details. i've got them all sorted for you

share what you know with students while working remotely and on your schedule

i absolutely get it

You'd think teaching an online workshop would be simple, right? But it's not.

Deciding to teach an online workshop is one thing. It's another thing to realize that you don't know how to keep in touch with all of your students. What level of Zoom membership do you need, and should it be a meeting or a webinar? How do you make the class accessible; for example, how do you accommodate a Deaf student? How do you arrange online payments? There are a million questions that come up when you're planning for an online workshop. It's almost enough to give up entirely. Perhaps you already have.

Come join me.

And yet, there's a simple solution. Join me at Prep & Teach Your Unique Online Workshop (Without the Stress).

Meet the teacher

Hi, I'm Esmé, and I'm obsessed with teaching personal nonfiction to writers living with limitations.

I won the Graywolf Nonfiction Prize for my essay collection, The Collected Schizophrenias, which also went on to win the Whiting Award and to become a New York Times bestseller. I've been a visiting professor at the San Jose State MFA program, and have taught hundreds of students the art of personal nonfiction writing; I also wrote The Collected Schizophrenias while coping with an assortment of debilitating chronic illnesses.

foUNDER of the unexpected shape™
devastatingly fond of potato skins
@esmewwang on instagram

"I find her to be a smart and insightful teacher and appreciate her teaching style, which is patient, approachable, and calm... I always prefer quiet power over noisy, frenetic instruction."

"Esmé’s classes are among my favorite to take for a few reasons. First of all, I am a fan of her writing and trust her expertise. This is the initial hook. However, I find her to be a smart and insightful teacher and appreciate her teaching style, which is patient, approachable, and calm. Her assistant Chloe, who attends and helps facilitate all of the sessions, has a similar energy, so they complement each other well. I always prefer quiet power over noisy, frenetic instruction. In addition to the general atmosphere of the teaching, the courses are always well-prepared, organized, and professional. They have a system, and it works.” 

Sara V.

“Esmé is exceedingly knowledgeable and her teaching style is the perfect blend of calmly explaining every step of the writing process so you won’t be left confused and answering additional questions."

“Esmé is exceedingly knowledgeable and her teaching style is the perfect blend of calmly explaining every step of the writing process so you won’t be left confused and answering additional questions. She also puts much thought into every answer instead of giving a quick reply—I felt seen, taken care of and special, even though it was a group workshop.” 

navina b.

as seen in:

This Workshop Is For You    

You have a terrific idea and you need to finally make time for making the online workshop of your dreams...

You don't want to wade through tons of options and would love to just be handed a list of what you need...

You want to learn the key to teaching an online workshop without stressing over details...


You're ready to earn money doing something that you adore...

Prep & Teach Your Unique Online Workshop (Without the Stress)




Saturday, June 1st 11:00 aM PT

Sign up for the workshop that might just change your life (& your bank account)—I can't wait to hang out with you. Recording available for a month after the class occurs.

*Joining the class will subscribe you to our email list. You may unsubscribe at any time, though doing so means we cannot contact you regarding this event.