The Guides


Hello world!

I'm a writer, speaker, teacher, and babe about town. I'm the author of the award-winning, New York Times-bestselling author of The Collected Schizophrenias, as well as a award-winning novel, The Border of Paradise. As someone who has been living with mental and physical chronic illness for most of her life, I'm an expert in being a working writer who is living with limitations. Learn more. about me below.



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stay hopeful & keep going

The Unexpected Shape Writing Academy 

seek support & community

celebrate your accomplishments

practice self-care

be flexible & listen to your body

make the environment a good one

find inspiration in your experience

adjust your expectations

try option 2

embrace your reality

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as seen in:

Unexpected Shape Newsletter

The Unexpected Shape with Esmé Weijun Wang is a newsletter with 10,000+ subscribers for thoughtful softies and ambitious writers living with limitations, written by award-winning, New York Times-bestselling author of The Collected Schizophrenias, Esmé Weijun Wang (that's me!).

Each week, you'll receive a personal essay of something I've been mulling over and won't be publishing anywhere else—whether about the matrilineal hauntings in my family line or eating fake eggs in the psych ward. As the writer of a short story that was in the Best American Short Stories anthology and a Notable essay in the Best American Essays anthology, I love what I do, and I want to share it with you.

weekly essays for thoughtful softies 

Academy Bulletin

Don't have an MFA (Masters of Fine Arts)? Even if you have been writing, the feeling of not having an MFA to put on your CV might feel... icky. And I can help you do something about that in a free 10-day series of classes. (Really.) If you're interested in writing personal nonfiction, sign up for the FREE Academy Bulletin newsletter, full of informative gold about writing & the writer's life, and receive the 10-Day MFA.


If you're into vintage clothing, books books books, daily moodboards, film photography, and everyday beauty? You've come to the right place.